21 May 2021. Well today has been quite a day, invigilating at an exhibition, the first for over a year. It’s good to be back!!
So, the exhibition was “Modify”, amazingly the seventh Open Print exhibition at 44AD art space in Bath and, I think, it was the best so far. A testament to the strength of the print scene in the city. There was great variety of work from traditional wood cuts to experimental 3D work. This year’s features artist was Robert Haywood and I enjoyed looking through his sketchbooks. I suppose because I am etching in my studio at the moment I was particularly drawn to the work of Pennie Elfick and Jan Knight.

I had two artist books in the exhibition, “Wildflower Summer” and “Modified & Extended.” This was the first time that I have seen my books in a gallery setting and they did not disappoint.
“Wildflower Summer” is a more traditional concertina book of monoprint drawings and pop-ups.
“Extended & Modified” is more experimental. Based on drawings I made on location at a building site, the single signature just grew and grew until finally I added the suspended pieces. I think it captures the dynamics of the site.

One of the things I have forgotten about attending exhibitions is how inspiring it is to see other artists’ work. Sometimes it’s the little things that can get the brain sparking. For example, I would never of thought of printing on acid green paper, but doesn’t this work well. Secondly, I must find a way to introduce text into my work.
That’s all for this time, until we meet again, good luck and don’t forget to keep your eyes open!!