Carole Anne Tonge
Welcome to my Website
Here you will find details of my 2D print work and the more experimental artist books. There is also a blog where you can follow up to date information about what I am currently working on and news of exhibitions I am involved with.
Chippenham Museum Collection
I am delighted to say that I have had some work accepted by Chippenham Museum for their permanent art collection. My etching, “Millennium Square I”, can be seen in the exhibition “Spotlight 3” alongside many other paintings, prints and three dimensional works. The show runs until 24 February 2024 and it is well worth a visit.
This etching was created from drawings taken whilst I was out and about round Bristol Harbour. It is a very dynamic place and one that inspired other prints, examples of which can be seen on the etching section of my gallery page.
For those of you who don’t know, Chippenham museum is located in an 18th century town house built on the site King Alfred’s Old Hunting Lodge. It is at the top of the High Street, just a short walk from the train station. As well as art exhibitions the museum has an informative local history section. Later this month they are hosting talks by the artists whose work they show. So if you are looking for something to do on a rainy day you could do worse than to pop along.
For more information why not follow the link https:www.chippenham.gov.uk/chippenham-museum

The Pound Open
The Pound Open Exhibition still open until 12 January
I was lucky enough to have three pieces selected for this lively and eclectic exhibition. I am particularly proud of the “Three Sisters” etching as I can clearly remember the day I made the sketch on which it is based. I had visited Ashdown House, near The Ridgeway and I was on my walk back to the car, it was late in the day and I was tired so, I nearly didn’t stop. Three venerable great trees marked the field boundary. The drawing worked and so did print.
Why not come along and judge for yourselves? You have another week.
The Pound Arts Centre, Pound Pill, Corsham, Wiltshire. SN13 9HX


Collagraph Prints
Collagraph prints perfectly capture the textures and colours of the urban environment.

Etchings are a prefect way to capture the atmosphere of urban buildings.

Artist Books
'coz sometimes it's just good to make something!