Better Days, Wiltshire, £55 Lloyds Building, etching. M Shed, Bristol, £275 View from SS Great Britain, £275 Urban Sprawl, £175 Millennium Square, £175 Bath Abbey, £55 Holburne, Bath, £55 No.1 Royal Crescent, Bath, £55 Royal Crescent, Bath, £55 Sky Blue, £105 Georgian Windows II, £175 Georgian Windows II, £175 Orche Windows, £175 Construction Site, £250 Georgian I, £175 View from SS Great Britain, £275M Shed, Bristol, £275Lloyds Building, etching.Royal Crescent, Bath, £55No.1 Royal Crescent, Bath, £55Holburne, Bath, £55Bath Abbey, £55Better Days, Wiltshire, £55 Etchings : Urban Working form drawings, and freely inked, these etchings capture the individual character of the city.Each etching is individually inked, so it is unique. Etchings : Abstract Sometimes when I am sketching outdoors I am drawn to a particular detail of the scene. These prints grew out of those observations. Orche Windows, £175Georgian Windows II, £175Georgian Windows II, £175Georgian I, £175Sky Blue, £105Urban Sprawl, £175Millennium Square, £175Construction Site, £250